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Event: Clinical Innovations in Telehealth: Telehealth and Suicide Care (Webinar)
Date/Time: 05/19/2020 at 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Location: Online   -  -

by Global Mental Health Technology Transfer Center & the Suicide Prevention Resource Center

(from event page) Current conditions demand finding ways to safely work with suicidal individuals using telehealth. This webinar will provide pragmatic guidance for evaluating and managing suicide risk via telehealth. In particular, adaptations to do remote screening and risk assessment will be discussed as well as how to effectively conduct safety planning with people at risk. Resources to immediately implement these strategies will be shared.

Register: https://stanford.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_kDyci–cQtaGFiTR_vRS5A

*Please keep in mind that COVID-19 continues to impact events and business operations. We recommend checking event websites for updates.

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