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Event: Intimate Partner Violence and Mental Health Amidst the COVID-19 Crisis and Beyond (Webinar)
Date/Time: 07/08/2020 at 8:00 am - 11:00 am

Location: Online   -  -

by the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center

(from event announcement) A large body of research has demonstrated that experiencing abuse by an intimate partner is associated with a wide range of mental health consequences, further amplified in the context of structural violence, ongoing danger, and coercive control. Less well researched, however, are the ways that people who abuse their partners engage in coercive tactics related to their partner’s mental health and use of substances as part of a broader pattern of abuse and control – tactics known as mental health and substance use coercion.

This session provides an overview of the impact of IPV on survivors’ mental health and how survivors’ safety is impacted by COVID-19 and other public crises as well as information on how to safely inquire about IPV and link to local domestic and sexual violence advocacy resources.

Register for this Intimate Partner Violence and Mental Health Amidst the COVID-19 Crisis and Beyond webinar

*Please keep in mind that COVID-19 continues to impact events and business operations. We recommend checking event websites for updates.

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