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Event: Managing the Impact of COVID19 in Children, Families and Communities Through Prevention Strategies (Webinar)
Date/Time: 08/05/2020 at 8:00 am - 9:00 am

Location: Online   -  -

by Southeast Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Network

(from event page) The world climate of uncertainty, fear and worry enveloping the COVID pandemic has created new challenges for many people. Prevention professionals are concerned about the rise in negative mental health outcomes and projected increases in suicide risk, domestic violence, and substance use. While that risk appears to be escalating, COVID19 has made prevention both more relatable and more relevant.

This webinar takes a look at some of the challenges caused by the uncertainty of COVID19, including chronic stress, emotional distress, and loss through the lens of prevention. It will provide strategies and solutions for health promotion, with practical tips that translate theory into workable practice. It will also provide guidelines for implementing prevention strategies and educating clients on prevention. A workbook via a downloadable PDF will accompany the training to reinforce the concepts provided in the webinar and for use as an ongoing resource.

Register for Managing the Impact of COVID19 in Children, Families and Communities Through Prevention Strategies 

*Please keep in mind that COVID-19 continues to impact events and business operations. We recommend checking event websites for updates.

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