The Connect2 Community Network is the community information exchange (CIE) being collectively developed by and for the people of King County, WA. The shared vision for this work is: To strengthen the coordination of care for those in need by connecting people, service organizations and community partners more quickly and more effectively – resulting in a healthier, more equitable community for all.
But what does that look like? And how will we get there?
HealthierHere and over 75 local organizations have been working together to answer those questions. We’re thrilled to share the resulting plan, which provides a path toward realizing our regional shared vision. Introducing: the Connect2 Community Network Plan.
Collaborative, community-driven planning
Since July 2020, more than 75 local clinical and community partners have been actively contributing to co-design and collaborative planning activities for the Connect2 Community Network. HealthierHere, in partnership with Crisis Connections & WAServes, aggregated the input contributed by partners and also pursued conversations to learn from other CIEs across the country. The resulting draft plan was shared publicly for feedback and comments in November-December 2020.
Thanks to all who contributed to the plan, and special thanks to these Connect2 Community Network partners for their thorough review and thoughtful feedback:
HealthierHere staff pored over the valuable 80+ comments received, incorporated the feedback and shared the updates at the December 10 Connect2 Community Network Partner Workgroup meeting. The meeting was used as an opportunity to share back what we heard, make space for additional thoughts and verify partner support for the ways in which feedback was incorporated.
Next steps for the plan
On December 18, 2020 HealthierHere and our partners, Crisis Connections & WAServes, submitted the updated Connect2 Community Network plan to the King County Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS), which administers the county’s Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy (VSHSL). This deliverable, submitted as part of our contract for VSHSL funding, outlines our framework for building a unified community information exchange (CIE) for our region.
We anticipate the plan to be a “living document” that is updated regularly by clinical and community organizations and consumers to help ensure the Connect2 Community Network remains reflective of and responsive to the needs of the community. HealthierHere anticipates approval of the plan by DCHS will enable the multi-year VSHSL grant to continue in support of our CIE work.
Next steps for the work
As the plan describes, there is a lot of work ahead! Many moving parts are currently in motion, including, but not limited to:
- A Discussion on Sovereignty, Equity, and the Health of Indigenous Peoples with Dr. Desi Rodriguez-Lonebear – a webinar to build understanding of historical context and currently frameworks that can help build stronger relationships with and improve health of Indigenous community members.
- Catalyst Fund – a funding opportunity through which HealthierHere will provide financial support for qualifying organizations to enable and optimize their ability to send, receive and follow up on bi-directional referrals using the Unite Us web-based platform.
- Advisory Group – following a collaborative, intentional selection process, the Connect2 Community Network’s Advisory Group members will begin meeting starting the end of January, and will provide ongoing expert, community-driven governance to steward and advance this work.
- Workgroups – our Network Partner Workgroup and Legal-Data-Technology Workgroup continue to come together regularly to problem solve, provide insights and implement the plan.
Join Us!
Want to learn more or get involved? Sign up to receive updates, join an upcoming Network Partner meeting, or email our Community Engagement Manager, Sully Moreno.